Like Oz stories? Follow The Official Oz Club Channel on Youtube this year as we serve up a different Oz story every week. Since it was first published in 1971 Oziana has given members an opportunity to share their original short stories written in the tradition of the Oz canon. Today we’re honoring Oziana for 50 years of Oz fiction by sharing 50 of those stories with you. Enjoy!
Our membership secretary Susan Johnson introduces the series, followed by “Sherlock Holmes in Oz” a 1971 story read by our current Club President. Other stories will follow weekly—many read by their authors. Subscribe to or bookmark the “50 Years of Oziana” playlist, then listen along to hear how imaginative Oz fans have expanded the world of Oz with their own voices.
Our thanks to Susan for selecting the stories and lining up readers, and to Gary Ralph, the publication’s first editor who started Oziana 50 years ago when he was a high school student with a wonderful idea.