Patrick Maund

Patrick Maund

Patrick Maund contributed to The Baum Bugle, especially in the area of updating and expanding bibliographical articles on Baum’s works. He performed extensive research for Club publications, and worked with Fred Otto on The Index to The Baum Bugle. For many years Patrick gathered donations and consignments to be sold at Club auctions, where he served as auctioneer. When books were under the gavel, his bibliographic expertise was particularly valued.

Patrick attended and participated in all the Club’s conventions and chaired the Winkie convention in 1995. In addition to auctioneering, his program contributions included slide shows, technical support, and dramatic parts in readings and plays. Patrick recorded his reading of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz in verse to distribute as a keepsake to attendees at the Club’s centennial celebration.

He was a member of the IWOC Board of Directors as well as Club treasurer, and also recruited and supervised the former Oz Club administrator. Patrick helped set up the Oz Club’s archive/gallery quarters in San Francisco, ordering the computer equipment for it and assisting in the design of its layout. He generously made space, office equipment, and the services of his own company available for the day-to-day operation of IWOC business.