Jane Albright


Active 1 week ago
Zoe and I are tentatively planning a virtual event in March! Were we not so both so crazy busy, we’d have these more regularly. But we just spent a weekend together in St. Louis and kicked around enough ideas that I think I can pull it off. We’ll post here and email the membership when we have it firmed up. View
  • Jane Albright posted an update in the group Group logo of Oz BooksOz Books 3 years, 1 month ago

    Thinking I should drum up a quiz for next Saturday using Oz couples. There was a terrific panel at OzCon some years back about marriage in Oz. I hadn’t realized how many couples there even were in the Oz books until I listened to that panel. Help me make a list:
    Henry and Em
    Gloria and Pon
    General Jinjur and whoever she was married to (did he have a name?)
    Mr & Mrs Yoop
    Oh, and historic couples could count. Like Frank & Maud, Judy and her assorted husbands, Denslow and his assorted wives.

    • When I think of married couples in Baum’s Oz, I’m often struck by how many of them run counter to stereotype — Gayelette and Quelala, the Lazy Quadling and his wife, Nimmie Amee and Chopfyt, Cor and Gus, the Su-Dic and his wife Rora — and how often the marriages seem to be built on a certain kind of friction. Sometimes that results in a Macbethian union of villains, but often in a couple where the wife has all of the practical skills. All of which seems awfully nuanced compared to the typical fairy tale love story.