Jane Albright


Active 1 week ago
Zoe and I are tentatively planning a virtual event in March! Were we not so both so crazy busy, we’d have these more regularly. But we just spent a weekend together in St. Louis and kicked around enough ideas that I think I can pull it off. We’ll post here and email the membership when we have it firmed up. View
  • Jane Albright posted an update in the group Group logo of To Oz! Virtual events for Oz Club membersTo Oz! Virtual events for Oz Club members 3 years, 1 month ago

    Here’s a new group where we can talk about ideas, plans, and needs for pulling together these events. It also gives me a place to post things members need to know. Like the link to our next Zoom. Here it is:

    Topic: To Oz! The Magnet of Love
    Time: Feb 12, 2022 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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