Author: Jane Albright

A past president of the International Wizard of Oz Club, Jane is a life-long Oz fan. She's attended Oz events around the country regularly since 1974 and amassed an Oz collection that ranges from antiquarian books, original artwork, and ephemera to children's playthings, posters, and housewares. In addition to speaking frequently about Oz, Jane has contributed to the Baum Bugle, written for Oziana, and loaned Oz material to numerous public exhibitions. She received the L. Frank Baum Memorial Award in 2000.

Santore art exhibit features Oz

The exhibit of Charlie Santore’s work currently on display at the Woodmere Art Museum in Philadelphia is wonderful! I would encourage any Oz fans who can to see it. I flew out for the weekend to hear Michael Patrick Hearn’s presentation, “Toto, I’ve Got a Feeling We’re Not in Kansas Anymore, the Pictorial Legacy of Oz.”  He shared images from The Wizard of Oz through the years and examples of other classic author/illustrator partnerships that have endured for generations. As with every Hearn lecture, it was fascinating and taught me all kinds of things I didn’t know. While The Wizard of Oz is just one work in a lifetime retrospective of works included in “Charles Santore: Fifty years of Art and Storytelling,” a mural treatment of the Oz characters approaching the gates of Emerald City drew attention to the importance of the 1991 edition. I counted 100 pieces of original artwork on display, of which ten are from Oz. I’d list a favorite, but how can could I single out any one?  There’s the dramatic chaos of the Kansas tornado.  The Cowardly Lion leaping across the chasm with his eyes squeezed shut in terror.  The livid Wicked Witch of the West commanding her flying monkeys to attack. The memorable arc of water flying from Dorothy’s bucket at the face of the Witch. It was a pleasure to see all these lovely watercolors in person — and to watch other visitors to the gallery stand in front of them getting swept up in the narrative of Santore’s masterful work. It was lovely to see Charlie Santore again, too. He spoke at the Club’s 2016 convention and hosted Micheal and me for dinner one evening. That was my first unforgettable Santore memory, the experience of this weekend is just as priceless. Oz friends also made the weekend great fun. Lynn Beltz met my flight and served as roommate. We spent an evening at Ryan Bunch and Micah Mahjoubian’s. Atticus Gannaway, also in town for the event, was there. Dave Kelleher and Mark Heilmann joined us by Michael’s talk on Saturday. We all had dinner together (after loitering in the museum until they had to turn out the lights). Lynn, Michael and I went back Sunday for our own encore viewing. I so encourage anyone who can to visit the Woodmere for this. Exhibits of this caliber are few and far between. I’ve found there have been a lot of once-in-a-lifetime events during my 40+ years of Oz. I have unforgettable memories of those I’ve been able to experience, and nothing but regrets for those I’ve missed. Check the museum’s calendar for a book signing, free Sundays and other exhibit events. As a postscript for  fans who do make it, you also will find on the second level of the gallery one of Santore’s illustrations from Baum’s The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus. Don’t miss that one! Charles Santore: Fifty Years of Art and Storytelling

Windows to Oz

Wizard of Oz stained glass by Century Studios (IWOC members Bill Campbell and Irwin Terry) is featured in the second Club display at the Oz Museum in Wamego, Kansas. Character panels, a rare wall mirror, bookends, and two character ornaments are included. Most is from my collection, but Robin Olderman’s daughters loaned the Ozma mirror, and Dave Kelleher loaned one of the ornaments, a Denslow Dorothy, and an MGM Glinda both from the late Chris Sterling’s collection. Your generosity is appreciated. Readers of The Baum Bugle were treated to an article (Winter 2015) about the work Bill and Irwin have been creating for more than 30 years. Bill’s blog sometimes looks at their Oz glass, too. Scroll through the “Oz Projects” category under Labels to see their larger Oz projects. One of my favorites is a step-by-step examination of the stained glass window of Polychrome being pulled up into the rainbow from The Road to Oz. They created it for a private client. It took three different blog entries to tell the story, ending with this one: Polychrome Window Blog, part 3 The Windows to Oz display will be up for six months. It’s hard to imagine a more eye-catching, colorful and creative display of outstanding craftsmanship inspired by Oz. My thanks, again, to the Oz Museum for helping our Oz Club reach fans through this ongoing program.  

It takes a community

Today an Oz treasure arrived to make its new home in my collection. But it wouldn’t have happened without Oz friends. I often explain to people that one of the great benefits I’ve experienced as an Oz Club member is the chance to network with other collectors. My collection absolutely would not be the same if I were in this hobby alone. Last Saturday Facebook friend, John Merinsky, spotted a boxed set of the Little Oz Books with Jig-Saw Puzzles in a New Jersey thrift shop and posted a photo asking if it was worth the price.  We all have our preferences, and this 1932 box happens to be the sort of thing that fills my dreams. Forty-five years and counting as an Oz collector, and never have I had a real shot at this piece. I messaged John asking, if he wasn’t going to get them himself, could I have contact info for the seller to call? He wasn’t.  He did.  I called. The seller accepted my offer.  All’s good until…. They don’t take credit cards over the phone, or Paypal, or mailed checks. And they don’t ship. I’m in Kansas City. With my friend and fellow IWOC Board member, Dave Kelleher, in a messenger chat to help me think of people I knew in the area, I started dropping various friend’s cities into Google Maps. Visions of another Oz collector walking through that door and waltzing out with the puzzles while I frantically searched for a friend had me hyperventilating. John was a 90-minute drive, as were the first half-dozen other names we could think of in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York. Then Dave mentioned Melissa Tonnessen who I met at the Oz Club’s 2016 convention in Philadelphia. To cut to the chase, within an hour Melissa was taking pictures of the store front as she pulled into the lot, swiping her credit card, and thanking the manager. She was genuinely excited to help me. (And she could take PayPal and ship.) A slight delay in the form of President’s Day meant the box didn’t head my way until Tuesday, but here it is. Mine. Thanks to John, and Dave, and Melissa. What can be learned?  Join the Oz Club.  Attend conventions. Give social networking a shot. Meet other like-minded collectors. You’ll be glad you did; Oz friends are the real treasures.

Contests: Call for more Oz

A good forty-five years ago, long before The Wiz, Wicked, and Straight Outta Oz, the Oz Club’s own Dick Martin announced that the Baum Bugle should cease publication because there simply couldn’t be anything more to write about.  Amusing fellow, our Dick. Not only has more and more been discovered about the early years of Oz, about Oz and Baum bibliography and related biography, but there has been a steady stream of new Oz that’s been informed and inspired by the foundation of Baum’s original work.  There have been Broadway plays and feature films, an endless stream of collectibles, graphic novels, Oz destinations for fans to visit, festivals to attend, and so very many books for eager readers. Today we hear it in country songs and television commercials, stream Oz digital productions, and form online Oz communities. From The Woodsman to Ages of Oz, fresh new interpretations appear year after year.  Oz toys that even millennials played with are hot collectibles. How much longer this growth of Oz will carry on lies in the hands of creative Oz fans.  Every last bit of the Oz that’s developed over the years began in the imagination of creative thinkers like writers, illustrators, and researchers.  The performers and dreamers who are encouraged to take an idea they have and mold it into something worth sharing are the future of Oz. Our Club wants to encourage that future by encouraging fans – you – to write, illustrate and research. We have always wanted The Baum Bugle and Oziana to provide space for creative expression and thoughtful study. The contests are our way to offer just a touch of motivation.  Please join us by encouraging those you know to enter, or by dusting off that idea you keep pondering and getting it on paper. (OK, on “screen.” You know what I mean; now get started!) All the details are just a click away….

Oz on the Bayou

Oz Club members David and Karen Diket are hosting the third annual Oz on the Bayou event for fans Feb. 15-16 in Gray, Louisiana. Timed to follow on the heels of both Mardi Gras and Valentine’s Day, your New Orleans adventure offers a Thursday/Friday event serving up Oz fun with a Tin Woodman theme. The Terrebonne Parish North Branch Library’s display cases are now filled with Oz. You’ll see selections from the collections of the Dikets, Mary Pertuit, Catherine Bryan, and Linda Rodrigue.  A big hit in past years, a display scavenger hunt will be a convention activity. New this year is an art show following a call for entries the Dikets released this year for area high school students. Karen tells me other planned activities include a discussion of The Tin Woodman of Oz, viewing some of the Sci-fi miniseries Tin Man as well as favorite Tin Man moments that mix up everything from the classic MGM film to Heartless and Pentatonix. A school theater group will do readings from The Tin Woodman of Oz, and knowing the Dikets I’d consider it a safe bet to expect live music.  A recap of the Club’s 2017 National Convention will whet your appetite for OzCon International this summer. Adult and child craft projects, children’s story telling, and a book discussion are organized as joint activities with the library. The event is free and open to the public. In addition to the planned program, you can join others for Cajun food at the Bayou Delight restaurant Friday night, and get a feel for life in the old south Saturday with a tour of the Ardoyne Plantation. I attended their 2016 event and had a blast!  The exhibit was impressive, live performances beautifully done, and I’ll never forget feeding alligators on a tour of the bayou.  Check those flights into New Orleans; there’s still time to join the party!

Sealed with thanks

This week I have been sending letters to all the Oz Club’s supporters expressing our thanks for their 2017 contributions. As a not-for-profit educational organization, we are responsible for acknowledging donations, and for getting them mailed this month. Those who itemize deductions on their income taxes can use these letters as receipts. So your generosity is top of mind to me right now. The support of our Contributing, Sustaining, Patron, and Wizard’s Circle members—collectively nearly one-third of our membership—helps us keep general membership at $30 and children’s memberships at $15. Donations to special funds we have provide things like funding for our annual contests, and support expenses associated with maintaining the Oz Club Collection. We thank a member who donates the entire cost of printing the calendar every year, members who—at their own expense—attend public events to promote Club membership, and members who support Club conventions in countless ways. It’s a humbling to witness your generosity toward our Club. Ozma’s Honor Roll, to be printed in the Winter 2017 Baum Bugle, shares the names of those who contribute through our membership programs. Conventions generally find a way to include heartfelt thanks from a program or podium. As I said to international members I wrote since they might be tax-paying American’s living abroad, our letter of thanks might not be necessary, but it’s simply not possible to thank our supporters too much. Of course, it’s not a flawless system; if you plan to claim a contribution you made to the Club on your 2017 taxes, and a letter acknowledging your support doesn’t arrive shortly, please drop me a note at [email protected]. I’ll be happy to take care of it right away.

Fresh from the press

Riddle me this, fellow collectors:  What book weighs 60 pounds and has 48 color plates?  Give up?  Bibliographia Baumiana!  OK, so actually it’s just printed on 60-pound stock, but at more than 400 pages this marvelous new book-collector’s guide does have some serious heft.  Described by the authors as covering “every known printing of every [Baum] book submitted for publication during his lifetime,” it’s available in hard- and soft-cover editions from the Oz Club; members receive a $10 discount off the list price.  You’ll find actual reviews and reports about it in upcoming issues of the Baum Bugle, but I can’t resist the opportunity share my personal enthusiasm in this blog. We collectors delight in turning up varied editions of Baum’s many different titles, most of which were reprinted over time in multiple editions. Maybe with color plates. Sometimes with strikingly different binding designs.  Oh, and dust jackets. Determining which came earlier than another is where this book is invaluable.  Bill Thompson (best known to some of us as the Oz Club’s auctioneer) has contributed bibliographical essays and checklists to The Baum Bugle for years. This book reflects decades of his sleuthing through extensive Baum collections. His co-authors for the new volume are Peter Hanff, one of the Bibliographia Oziana writers, and the late Patrick Maund. They, too, have contributed bibliographic content to the Bugle.  Independently and collaborating the three have amassed an impressive body of research — now available with this publication. If bibliography is a new field to you, you may be thinking, “400 pages? Really?”  Consider this; it’s work that consists of studying books in painstaking detail. Books are compared for changes in type — like typesetting and spelling error corrections, as well as things like the numbers of pages sewn together in a gathering, the weight and finish of paper stock — like the “60-pound acid-free” stock used in this publication — and packaging variants.  Every minute change is a clue that helps specialized researchers like Thompson, Hanff, and Maund define and distinguish one variation of the book from another, place them in sequence, and conclude which should be the more desirable to collectors.  Thoroughly enjoyable essays introduce each book, too, before the bibliographical details are itemized. So there is plenty of fascinating reading in addition to the identification specific guidelines for serious collectors.  The Oz Club’s publication, Bibliographia Oziana, has been the go-to book for Oz book collectors since it was published in 1976. For forty years book collectors who seek L. Frank Baum’s other books — his non-Oz titles — have anticipated the day The International Wizard of Oz Club would deliver this companion volume. At last, it’s here. Purchase Bibliographia Baumiana from the Oz Club here.

Oz art contest for students

Are you – or do you know – a student who creates Oz art?  Our 2018 Baum Bugle editor-in-chief, Sarah Crotzer, has launched a contest to find fresh, new interpretations of Oz characters.  Her goal is to enliven the pages of future Club publications by incorporating emerging artists’ modern, diverse work with the classic illustrations we love. Opened Nov. 1, the contest will close Feb. 1. Still plenty of time left to aim for that $150 cash prize! Judging entries will be Sarah, Eisner award-winning writer/artist Eric Shanower (who knows a thing or two about Oz art), Sarah’s “Burzee” co-host Nick Campbell who is currently working on the relaunch of children’s content for the Oz Club, and me. Of course, the Oz Club offers annual contests for Oz-specific artwork, fiction and non-fiction writing will be up and running again with prizes awarded this summer, but this contest is something special. Something extra. Something that might just put YOUR art in front of Oz fans everywhere. For details, see And if you don’t follow the Burzee blogspace, check it out here: On a personal note, I’m particularly pleased by this project because The Oz Gazette, a publication for kids the Oz Club once produced, was my project for many years. Eric was kind enough to let me use his artwork from time to time. And Sarah and Nick met through a pen pal program we offered in its pages!