I joined the Oz Club in 1971, making the winter 2020 Baum Bugle that just arrived my 150th. Every time, every issue I’m amazed at the ability of its editor, currently, Sarah Crotzer, to deliver one turning page after another of new Ozzy discoveries and insights. This issue, tied to the 100th publication anniversary of Glinda of Oz, offers readers an appreciation of that book by leading Baum scholar Michael Patrick Hearn, and a look at the book’s original advertising and reviews by Scott Cummings—who’s edited a dozen Bugle issues of his own Other features include Robert Luehrs’ essay “The Sorceress, the Goddess, and the Matriarchate.” Luehrs’ writing hasn’t been in the Bugle for ages; I attended a week-long Oz class he taught back in the 1970s; I’m pleased to see him return. Frequent Bugle contributor Dina Schiff Massachi introduces us to the legendary Lena Horne—who I personally consider the highlight of the 1978 film version of “The Wiz.” Angelica Shirley Carpenter writes about Maud Gage Baum from the perspective of wife-as-muse. There’s also a fascinating look by Peter Hanff at John R. Neill’s work to illustrate Glinda the Good referencing original artwork in the collection of the Oz Club. The tradition of strong women and Oz comes up to the present in an interview with Israeli Oz fan and Club member Gili Bar-Hillel Semo. I first “met” Gili when she was a teenaged contributor to The Oz Gazette. It’s a delight to read about her success bringing Oz to fans who, thanks to her, now find Baum’s books in Hebrew. Covers The front covers of the issue share alternate cover designs created by Dick Martin. The back covers are the line art from Neill’s first color plate of Glinda with the colored version of that piece—a composite using, in part, surviving photo proof from LFB’s own scrapbook—to complete the picture. This issue also thanks those who support the Oz Club through their donation level memberships, profiles Virginia “Gina” Wickwar, recipient of the 2020 L. Frank Baum Memorial Award, and offers a heartfelt tribute to David Greene by his dear friend of many decades, Peter Hanff. News and reviews complete the issue. Have we ever had an editor who gives us a glimpse of what to expect in the next issue? I don’t think so…. Sarah’s risen to that challenge with a final page that serves up three glimpses into the future. We can expect to meet the wonderful wooden Woozy, a toy made to promote Baum’s 1913 film “The Patchwork Girl of Oz”. Nate Barlow is researching the marketing and promotion of this feature film. Atticus Gannaway, our current reviews editor and a past editor of the Bugle himself, has written a history of Buckethead Enterprises of Oz and the marvelous man behind its curtain, the late Chris Dulabone. Third, Bill Campbell remembers the 1981 Children’s Theatre Company of Minneapolis production of The Marvelous Land of Oz. Those of us who didn’t get to be in that audience can live vicariously through Bill. The Oz Gazette, compliments of editor Nick Campbell, keeps getting better! Mark Manley, whose artwork has given the Bugle and the Gazette a fresh new look under Sarah’s direction is profiled here for our kids. (You don’t have to be a kid to read it!) Creative, crafty, clever members will also be happy to take on our latest project by Krofty; your very own magical Skeropythrope modeled after that used by Glinda the Good herself!
Like Oz stories? Follow The Official Oz Club Channel on Youtube this year as we serve up a different Oz story every week. Since it was first published in 1971 Oziana has given members an opportunity to share their original short stories written in the tradition of the Oz canon. Today we’re honoring Oziana for 50 years of Oz fiction by sharing 50 of those stories with you. Enjoy! Our membership secretary Susan Johnson introduces the series, followed by “Sherlock Holmes in Oz” a 1971 story read by our current Club President. Other stories follow weekly—many read by their authors. Subscribe to or bookmark the “50 Years of Oziana” playlist, then listen along to hear how imaginative Oz fans have expanded the world of Oz with their own voices. Our thanks to Susan for selecting the stories and lining up readers, and to Gary Ralph, the publication’s first editor who started Oziana 50 years ago when he was a high school student with a wonderful idea.
Our friends with the Spirit of Oz are sponsoring a membership drive for us. Prompted by the Giving Tuesday tradition, if you join or renew your membership for 2021 by Dec. 11 and you can be entered in a drawing for a prize package donated by the Spirit of Oz. Here’s what you need to know: A Oz Club membership offers a number of benefits including a 1-year subscription to The Baum Bugle, a journal of all things Oz and Baum published three times a year, and The Oz Gazette, a special newsletter specially prepared for young Oz fans. The Club also hosts events (virtual and in-person) throughout the year, an exclusive online community, and much more! In addition to the regular membership benefits, registering or renewing your Oz Club membership for 2021 will enter you for the chance to win a special prize package! One adult will win a package containing: -A commemorative Chesterton Wizard of Oz Festival 30th anniversary poster autographed by the Oz celebrities, Munchkins, and characters who were in attendance for the 2011 festival. -A set of three 8″ x 10″ pop art OZ prints featuring Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion. -An autographed photo of Margaret Pellegrini, a Munchkin in the 1939 MGM film, and Michael Roche, a sculptor who has created numerous Oz collectibles including many pieces by Dave Grossman collections. One youth will win a package containing: -A 75th-anniversary OZ storybook -A Spirit of Oz autograph/mini-coloring book signed by our friends from Oz -A color-your-own wooden holiday ornament kit. -A selection of Spirit of Oz swag such as stickers, pinback buttons, and postcards–perfect for stocking stuffers! Both our adult and youth winners will receive a special, personalized welcome message from Dorothy Gale herself! Oz Club memberships also make a great holiday gift and these prize packages are also guaranteed to please any Oz fan! HOW TO ENTER 1. Register or renew your 2021 Oz Club membership at https://shop.ozclub.org/product-category/iwoc-membership/. Each standard adult or youth membership entitles you to one giveaway entry. Adult memberships above the standard level entitle you to one additional entry per level. For example, a contributing membership is good for 2 entries or a Wizard’s Circle membership is good for 5 entries. 2. Forward your confirmation email or a screenshot of the website showing your completed membership to [email protected]. 3. That’s it! You’re now a member of the Oz Club and entered for your chance to win the prize package(s)! RULES AND ENTRY WINDOW 1. Membership must be registered or renewed by Friday, December 11, 2020, at 11:59 pm (Eastern time). 2. Proof of membership must be received by Saturday, December 12, at 12:00 noon (Eastern time). Winner will be confirmed and announced no later than Wednesday, December 16 at 7:00 pm (Eastern time). 3. Offer good for 2021 memberships only. 4. Only individuals located in the United States of America are eligible to win.
The Oz Club’s case at the OZ Museum in Kansas now glimpses into the holiday world of Christmas Oz collecting. I set it up last week taking, as is my bad habit, far more material than I could use. Here’s what made the cut and will remain on display until I return in the new year with a new load of Oz. Books: Life and Adventures of Santa Claus in both it’s original and Bobbs Merrill editions; “A Kidnapped Santa Claus” (1969 Bobbs Merrill edition), and The Christmas Stocking Series represented with the six-volume boxed set, a boxed pair, and an individual book opened to the introduction. Denslow’s Night Before Christmas in the original edition with a smaller reprint opened to a page where a toy Tin Woodman can be spotted in Santa’s bag. Neill illustrated copies of The Night Before Christmas and A Christmas Carol, as well as Ever New Stories for Children that includes A Christmas Carol, plus his collaboration with Ruth Plumly Thompson, The Curious Cruise of Captain Santa. Finally, Ozoplaning with the Wizard of Oz, the 1939 MGM edition of The Wizard of Oz, and Rand McNally’s boxed “Wonderful Library of Oz.” These three were advertised in a book seller’s Christmas catalog that’s displayed with them open to that page. Ornaments With hundreds to choose from in my collection, I picked about 50. I worked to mix vintage pieces with new, and mass-produced with homemade. I was sure to add Miss Gulch and the Lollipop Guild Munchkin from the MGM film. Set apart from the wreath is a Santa styled to resemble Denslow’s 1904 illustrations and a ball with a scene from the book printed on two sides. Nutcrackers After deciding to stick with the more expensive nutcrackers, I pulled a Steinbach Dorothy, Munchkin Mayor, Wizard, and Winkie Guard. From Kurt Adler’s collections, I added a Flying Monkey and a Wizard who wears the Emerald City and miniature characters on his head. I was taking home the modern illustrated versions of Life and Adventures of Santa Claus, a set of prototype figurines for that story, and the translations I had of it. Dismayed to have no international representation, I found space for a Japanese Oz cake plate and cup. Then I added caroling figures, a stocking my sister-in-law made me, Oz Kids VHS tapes of “Who Stole Santa?” and “Christmas in Oz,” and a 12-inch Santa figure made as a collectible in 2005. I added the Santa figure’s box since one side panel talks about Life and Adventures. Stepping back sufficiently pleased, I was left to pack back up what I didn’t use. I should have known the “What’s Your Holiday Wish? Banners from the Warner Brother’s store wouldn’t work as side panels. I’d decided against the Christian Ulbricht Wizard nutcracker because—aside from two being enough—the Steinbach design included the Wizard’s bag of icons and had the State Fair design on the balloon. A large framed print of Santa toasting Ozma in The Road to Oz came back home, too. I didn’t really think there was a place for it, but in case there had been some problem with the wreath, I wanted a backup plan that could fill space. By the time these return and all the material from the previous display were back in the car, it was back home for me, grateful, as always, that the museum gives our Club this opportunity to promote our Club to its visitors.
Hey everyone! Your friendly Baum Bugle editor Sarah here, filling in for Jane. When’s the last time you thought about reading the Bugle? The Baum Bugle began in June 1957 as a way for Oz Club president Justin Schiller to keep his members informed of Ozzy news, including convention reports and details on upcoming merchandise. It quickly ballooned from those four mimeographed pages to take in research, memoir pieces, rarely published stories by L. Frank Baum, and more. Today’s Bugles are usually 48 pages or a little bit more, and I do my best to cram in as many interviews, research pieces, collectible data, and previously unseen material as I possibly can. If you aren’t a 2020 member right now, why not? The 2020 membership deadline is Oct. 31—and look what you might miss out on! The Spring 2020 issue was particularly fun because I had the chance to interview costume designer Beck Jones and photographer Curtis Brown about their amazing, modern photographic tribute, Broadway Celebrates Oz. We had the opportunity to put Curtis’ beautiful images on our covers in full color, and we included several of Beck’s design sketches inside, too. Their enthusiastic recollections of a passion project made a great Oz story I was thrilled to tell. The Spring issue also gave us a chance to think about other unique visions of Oz. David Diket gave us a thorough collector’s guide to the charming View-Master Wizard of Oz reels, Nick Campbell reviewed the groundbreaking podcast Hit the Bricks, and Christina Maffa paid tribute to 25 years of The Wizard of Oz in Concert. And we had fun for our research-inclined readers, too: L. Frank Baum’s claim to a “modern fairy tale” was examined by a group of talented undergraduate students from UNC at Charlotte. Most exciting of all, Anil Tambwekar took us on an amazing journey to discover Mary Dickerson Donahey, a contemporary of Baum’s who was offered—and turned down!—the opportunity to continue the Oz series. The Spring issue really gave everybody something to look forward to, and we were all really pleased with how it turned out. But that’s nothing compared to our next one. I think everyone found their own way to fight the pandemic blues this summer, but the staff of The Baum Bugle found themselves lost in the Nome King’s dominion… The Autumn 2020 issue is a wall-to-wall celebration of Walt Disney Pictures’ 1985 family adventure movie, Return to Oz. Ever since I became editor, I’ve wanted to go back and revisit my favorite Oz adaptation: not only did it seem like the right time this year, but it turns out, Disney agreed! Through the generous cooperation of the Walt Disney Archives, we are able to present a previously unpublished interview with Harley Jessup (now production designer of such Pixar movies as Ratatouille and Coco), who took on the job of designing sequences for Return to Oz early in his career. Archivist Kevin M. Kern has not only shared his extensive interview, he’s provided us with a dozen beautiful examples of Harley’s art, most of which have never been seen before. To take full advantage, we had to include a color center spread…! But that’s not all. My good friend Nick Campbell and I have packed this issue with goodies, including articles by Karen Diket, Coyote Shook, and Howard Berry, who has brought with him some very special interview transcripts of his own… If you love Return to Oz, this is the issue you’ve been waiting for: fire up your limited-edition David Shire CD and whistle the ragtime march with the rest of us. And if you haven’t given it a chance in a while—come on in, the water’s fine! (But remember to bring a chicken.) And what of Winter? Autumn’s just coming out now, but Winter won’t be far away! The Winter 2020 issue will celebrate two remarkable 100-year milestones: the centenary of L. Frank Baum’s Glinda of Oz and of the Nineteenth Amendment, which gave many women the right to vote in the United States. We’ll have extended looks at the strong and amazing women in the world of Oz: in fantasy, focusing on Glinda herself; history, with Baum’s wife Maud; and our modern day, as the Oz world is uplifted by women everywhere. That’s right about 150 pages of genuine Oz goodness, tackling all sorts of topics, ideas, and new research—for $30 a year. If you don’t have a 2020 membership, why are you still hesitating? It’s all here waiting for you, guaranteed to put a perk in your day, and it’s so much easier to look after than a puppy! Sign up or renew today by clicking that link! 😀 (And enjoy your new Bugle issues!)
Virginia “Gina” Wickward, our 2020 L. Frank Baum Memorial Award winner, became the eighth Royal Historian of Oz with her two Oz Club-published books, The Hidden Prince of Oz (2000) and Toto of Oz (2006). Hidden Prince had been chosen as the winning manuscript in a contest, organized by the Oz Club to honor the publication centennial of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Gina was quickly recruited to promote her books at Oz Club conventions and book signing appearances around the country. She is currently putting the finishing touches on her third Oz novel, Queen Zixi in Oz, to be published with illustrations by her long-time collaborator Anna Maria Cool. A life-long Oz fan and a Club member since 1965, Gina’s Master’s thesis in 1968 was on L. Frank Baum and Oz. An active collector, the core of her Oz book collection has been in her family for generations; Oz and the Oz books remained a part of her own family’s life. Gina is a regular attendee at Club conventions, and is a member of the Club’s Board of Directors serving as the Club Secretary since 2006. As secretary, Gina takes minutes at the board meeting, and during monthly conference calls of the Oz Club’s executive committee. She also wrote our brochure filling it with information about the Club and its publications. For years Gina has proofread virtually all Club material. She’s been instrumental to the production of Oziana, and she personally funds the production of the IWOC calendar. A frequent contributor to Oziana, she once created a publication of her own short stories as a special gift for members who’d made generous donations to the Club. Whether she’s autographing her original books, or participating in an Oz costume contest Gina’s delight in Oz is contagious. Her support of the Oz community is unfailing. Her decades of enthusiasm for the Oz Club and for our mission is exemplary. Congratulations, Gina, on this presentation of the 2020 L. Frank Baum Memorial Award. The Covid19 crises obligated the Oz Club to present Gina’s award online. Recorded on Zoom, you can see the presentation below.
Greetings Oz fans! Welcome to the online community of the International Wizard of Oz Club. We began hosting virtual Oz events in August 2020 with To Oz! And have sponsored regular virtual gatherings ever since. As a result, this website is a wealth of pre-recorded talks, interviews, demonstrations, and more. We are interested in all aspects of Oz, so you can expect a diverse range of Oz topics. Join the community and set up your own page to interact with other members through their posts. Start your own conversations! We’ll also be able to email you about upcoming events and to send you any fun digital participant keepsakes we dream up. Change your profile and cover photos as often as you like, and share your Oz interests with other fans. If you have an Oz website, blog, Youtube channel, etc., include it in your profile. Post about it, too. Please keep posts family-friendly; there are no age restrictions in this community. Our YouTube channel, the Official Oz Club, hosts the majority of our videos. The most recent will have a “private” setting so you can only reach them through links from the Club’s member-exclusive online pages. We also use Zoom to help fans interact, but we can only invite you to join us there if we have an email address for you. We’ll use the one you leave in your personal profile. We hope you enjoy all the online content Oz Club has to offer.
A new podcast hosted by Oz fans Emily Kay Shrader and Tara Tagliaferro was one of the first to deliver an interview about To Oz! You can find Down the Yellow Brick Pod right here. It was a delight to share time with such enthusiastic Oz fans. And I appreciate the opportunity to rave on about all the great work so many people have done to create this weekend for the Oz community.