Author: Jane Albright

A past president of the International Wizard of Oz Club, Jane is a life-long Oz fan. She's attended Oz events around the country regularly since 1974 and amassed an Oz collection that ranges from antiquarian books, original artwork, and ephemera to children's playthings, posters, and housewares. In addition to speaking frequently about Oz, Jane has contributed to the Baum Bugle, written for Oziana, and loaned Oz material to numerous public exhibitions. She received the L. Frank Baum Memorial Award in 2000.

Oztoberfest 2018

  Planning Oz travels for 2019?  For many fans, the closest event can become an annual favorite. I am fortunate to be within an easy drive of Oztoberfest, the annual event hosted by The Oz Museum in Wamego, Kansas. For the museum’s blog I, on behalf of the Club, provide them with a calendar of upcoming monthly events. This year’s Oct. 6 event was especially memorable because it opened with the unveiling of the museum’s marvelous new facade.   This past year’s Oztoberfest was a wonderful Saturday spent meeting Oz fans at the Oz Museum. I was stationed in the Museum’s little theater where a pair of local students put on a hand puppet show. Before performances I talked to the audience about Oz puppetry, and did a bit of show and tell with puppets that were mass-produced for kids. Fun time! The art exhibit in the Swogger Gallery featured Totos with surface designs by local artists. They were imaginative and fun! Additional pieces included a wonderful fiber monkey with Toto, as well as lots of framed paintings and photos. Not every piece had an Oz theme, but the majority certainly did.               The Oz Museum is always a fun place for fans to visit. It’s especially satisfying to see it crowded. There was a steady stream of families Saturday. I am delighted to report that the Oz Club gained a dozen new members! Many thanks to Lynn Beltz for promoting membership next to the IWOC display case in the museum.   Outside the streets of Wamego are now dotted with large, decorated  Toto sculptures. My favorite was in front of the library. His body is layered with page from the book he’s reading, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz!   The days prior to the festival, many of us who attend as invited guests speak about Oz in the local schools. This year was particularly fun for me because I got to put together a presentation about international Oz.  Although most of my effort went into the digital presentation, the samples of international products I brought to pass around the class were the biggest hit with the students.

The Baum Bugle Packs Appeal for Autumn 2018

Such a Baum Bugle!  The Autumn 2018 cover story, an interview with Stephen Schwartz, is a remarkable feature illustrated and supplemented with fascinating content the Wicked fans in our Oz community are sure to enjoy. You’ll find the very first outline of the first act, handwritten lyrics, and table top models of set designs.  We are thrilled that member Brady Schwind was generous enough to provide us with this in-depth look at his friend, the renowned writer of this milestone musical. MGM fans will appreciate Willard Carrol’s tribute to his friend, Jerry Maren, the last of the Munchkinland cast, who crossed the rainbow May 24th.  Authors Jay Scarfone and Bill Stillman walked readers along their journey to create the new MGM reference book, The Road to Oz (Lyons Press 2018). Most enthralling of all, Randy Struthers shared the story behind his discovery of the wand that served as a Glinda costume accessory for Billie Burke. He was able to acquire it and it is currently on display at the Smithsonian. With so many collectors reading the Bugle, his story will no doubt set minds dreaming of other long-lost props. Editor Sarah Crotzer contributed an appreciation of her own, a “fact file” about Rob Roy MacVeigh’s animated version of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz that was never completed, while Michael Gessel, a past Bugle editor himself, reflected on the late Harlan Ellison’s contributions to Oz. With more pages still to turn, the Bugle continued to meet the varied interests of our Oz fans with Angelica Carpenter’s feature story about writing her biography of Frank Baum’s mother-in-law, Born Criminal; Matilda Joslyn Gage, Radical Suffragist.  After all, what’s a Baum Bugle without a visit to Baum topics? The Bugle always includes a “bulletin” of short news items, and a number of reviews. In this issue those included two puppet shows, three stage musicals, three non-fiction and three fiction books.  The four central pages are designed for you to pull out and hand a young fan; The Oz Gazette is intended for our youngest members.  An additional enclosure will no doubt attract both the young and the young-at-heart. David Kelleher created a charming Jack Pumpkinhead string puppet to cut and color.  We had hoped you’d have it in hand before Halloween, but with the vagaries of printing and mailing services that was not to be. We did have some pixellated photos miss the “update” command, and some spacing went rather off the mark in a place or two.  Apologies and promises to be more diligent in the future; we’d all love to deliver a flawless publication, and we always keep that as our goal. Which reminds me, Michael Gessel learned too late that Harlan Ellison actually died June 28, not the 27th. I believe our editor has a date correction notice planned on that point for the Winter Bugle. The Oz Club has experienced a significant membership surge this year, so I know this was a first issue for many members.  I hope you enjoyed it and will continue to share our fascination with all things Oz for many more issues to come.

It’s a Wonderful Year for Holiday Reading

Looking for last-minute gift ideas?  Anyone still asking what you’d like this holiday season?  Oz makes gift shopping easy for my family; but I can seldom wait when it’s a book I’ve looked forward to. My reading pile is already tall, and chock full of gift ideas for Oz fans.  While many of these titles will be reviewed and explored in The Baum Bugle, I thought I’d also share recent titles that have found their way to me here on the President’s Corner blog.  A Star is Born; Judy Garland and the Film that Got Away is written by her daughter Lorna Luft with Jeffrey Vance. (2018, Running Press)  I have great expectations; Lorna wrote it!  A must have for Judy fans; I don’t expect a lot of Oz in these pages, but will read every word anyway. The Road to Oz, the Evolution, Creation, and Legacy of a Motion Picture Masterpiece is where there most certainly will be lots of Oz. Jay Scarfone and Bill Stillman have added this title to their growing list of significant Oz research books. Google around and you’ll find online interviews and numerous media stories. The authors say they’ve filled it with many never-before-published details, including some that contradict long-held beliefs about the beloved film. Intriguing!  (2018, The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group) Adapting The Wizard of Oz; Musical Versions from Baum to MGM and Beyond by Danielle Birkett and Dominic McHough (2018, Oxford Press) looks a bit more like academic than a “popular” read. Not many images, but loads of notes at the end of each chapter.  If you’d really like to learn something about Oz musical history, and I do, I’m guessing this book will take us there. The Wonderful Animated World of the Wizard of Oz will be a much faster read with black and white images on every one of its 54 pages. Kevin Scott Collier authored for Cartoon Research. I counted 18 different productions covered, although the last chapter, “CGI Oz Productions 2007-present” actually bundles several productions together.  (2018, CreateSpace) Rhys Thomas book from 1989 has been updated!  The Ruby Slippers of Oz; Thirty Years Later serves up 330 pages of focus on the most magical footwear ever.  The original book was as much mystery genre as any other;  Thomas traced the origins and current whereabouts of all the Ruby Slippers known to have actually been used in MGM’s production. I look forward to catching up with the journeys they’ve had these last three decades. Find it available at (Sorry it’s not in photo pile, but this one’s wrapped and under the tree.) Twenty years in the making, Dee Michel’s Friends of Dorothy: Why Gay Boys and Gay Men Love The Wizard of Oz, is one of those books I’m especially proud to have. Dee began his research long ago, and I have had the opportunity to hear him speak at Oz Club gatherings since our 2000 convention in Bloomington, Indiana. I appreciate his many references in his book to our Club and the encouragement he’s received from us. More than that, of course, gay and straight readers curious about his topic will enjoy learning about his discoveries. (2018, Dark Ink Press) The Road to Wicked is topping my pile simply because it’s a bit smaller than other titles. It’s subtitled “The Marketing & Consumption of Oz from L. Frank Baum to Broadway.” I have great expectations. Three co-authors are credited, Kent Drummond, Susan Aronstein, and Terri L. Rittenburg, in this book that was described to me as sort of a text-book about the Oz brand.  The authors are marketing and English professors, so I am inclined to be believe that may be as concise a description as any. I can honestly say it’s the first Oz reference book I’ve thumbed through where I spotted pie charts!  (2018, Palgrave MacMillan) I wrote a review of The Magic Belt by Paul Miles Schneider for the winter issue of the Baum Bugle, because I read it the minute I got it. Like his previous two Oz novels, I feel like a kid from Baum’s day demanding to know “what next?” when it comes to the adventures of Donald Gardner and his friends. Paul’s book is self-published, and easily found online at Paul’s website or through Amazon.  Without spoilers, I’ll just explain that Paul’s main character had an encounter with Oz magic in this world that turned his world upside down. Written in an action/adventure style, Paul has made Oz as real as Baum ever did, allowing powers of good and evil to erupt, and create for Donald situations ripe for a young hero to prove himself. The Wizard of Oz; Where Is He Now? Is the other fiction title waiting for me. Written by Richard Mickelson, it’s illustrated in color by Patty Fleckenstein. Tate Publishing brings us this book, which was an early Christmas gift to me from an Oz friend. The story follows the adventures of an extra-small Munchkin girl who was stowed away in the Wizard’s basket when it left the Emerald City behind at the end of The Wizard of Oz. I won’t be able to tell you more until I read it! Born Criminal: Matilda Joslyn Gage, Radical Suffragist is a fascinating biography of L. Frank Baum’s remarkable mother-in-law. She truly was a radical suffragist, an outspoken feminist, an abolitionist, and a brilliant writer who proposed ideas in the late 1800s that still challenge us today. Author Angelica Carpenter is a personal friend (and past Oz Club president) who sent me an early copy. I could not put it down. (2018, South Dakota Historical Society Press) The Munchkins of Oz; Legends, Myths and Realities by Stephen Hoover appears to have been self-published in 2013. I stumbled across it looking for something else entirely, and went ahead and ordered a copy anyway.  Looks to be a quick read at 128 pages.  Nearly all the sources credited are websites, which does not make me confident I’ll find anything particularly new. However if there’s a Munchkin-loving gift recipient on your list, it might please. I’m quite late to the party with Oz, the Marvel Omnibus.  The 2014 publication was released with a $125 list price that gave me pause. With used copies now on the market and the occasional comic shop offering its remaining copies at discounted rates, I was pleased to add it to my collection at last. This book gathers the six Skottie Young/Eric Shanower Marvel books into a single volume along with the Marvel Wizard of Oz Sketchbook and the Oz Primer. It’s also about the size and heft of three bricks; you are getting a lot for your money! Speaking of weight, last year Bibliographia Baumiana was likely weighing down a few stockings. It remains available at (If you’re a Club member, be sure to select the hard- or soft-cover volume with member pricing.)  This comprehensive guide to collecting L. Frank Baum’s non-Oz writings hits 400 pages and still keeps going.  Introductory essays by W. Neal Thompson (we all know him as Bill) are really fascinating to read and the bibliographic details provided are precisely what Baum collectors need to help gauge the edition, and therefore relative value, of any Baum book in their collection. That can’t be all. I know Yookoohoos of Oz by Paul Dana with illustrations by Vincent Myrand was published this year. Both are friends who do fine work.  Oz fiction readers also might consider The Lost Tales of Oz, a collection of 18 new short stories in the Baum tradition. I’ve recently picked up some fascinating foreign language editions. Simply recommending would be an endless list this year. But my intent with this blog was to work my way through the pile currently sitting on the Oz room coffee table. And ta-da!!!  I’ve now done it. Please, if you have additional titles in your own reading pile, tell us about them in the comments section. And most of all, enjoy your holiday reading!

Barbara Koelle (1923-2018)

Barbara Koelle (1923-2018) was a lovely woman, thoughtful personal friend, and consistent supporter of the International Wizard of Oz Club.  She joined the Club and began attending conventions in the 1960s when they were held in the resort owned by Harry Neal Baum. From convention speaker to Bugle editor to Club President, if there was a job that needed doing, Barbara was a faithful volunteer.  She chaired committees and hosted parties. She organized a short-story circle for fiction writers, and amassed a fine Oz/Baum collection. She received the L. Frank Baum Memorial Award in 1977 for her unfailing support of the Oz Club. Patty Tobias is writing an obituary for Barbara for the Winter 2018 Baum Bugle. Barb’s daughter Kate will be planning a memorial service for her, most likely in early February. (I will edit a link to details as soon as there is one.) I wanted to give Barbara’s circle of Wizard of Oz friends an opportunity to share their own memories of her and reflections on her contributions to the Oz Club, too. Please take advantage of this blog’s comments section to do that. Personally, Barbara helped me time and again. When I was working on the Oz Centennial convention, she agreed to organize an entire 4-day program of content devoted to literary aspects of Oz. (Others took on programming tracks for stage & screen, collecting, biography, etc.). She was thoughtful in recommending members to serve on the board of directors.  She was a wiser head I could turn to when facing difficult Oz decisions. She sent cards. And she sent clippings; recently, entire files of clippings. Barbara gave me a wonderful little treasure for my collection when I became President, following it with a Scarecrow key chain and a question about the existence of my brain (tongue firmly in cheek).         And memorably, at a Castle Park convention when I was in search of Patty Tobias, who was rooming with her, Barbara opened the door late at night with her hair down. Forty-five years seeing her signature French twist, you’d better believe that moment stands out! With her late husband John, Barbara attended Oz, The National Convention 2012 in Michigan. She was frail, but she greatly enjoyed time we spent together while I showed her images on my laptop that recounted convention history. She also joined us for a bit in Philadelphia (Oz, The National Convention 2016) where she drew friends around her like a magnet; our cluster reminisced about our shared past. She’d written a Bugle essay, “The Boys of Philadelphia,” for the occasion. I’m sure I’ll think of other memories that matter to me, but for the moment I just wanted to get this blog posted so others would have the opportunity to share their stories about Barbara. Please do. I’m sure both friends who knew her and curious others who weren’t so fortunate will appreciate hearing your memories. Update, Dec. 13:  Kate Koelle suggests donations made in her mother’s memory be directed to The International Wizard of Oz Club. We appreciate her thinking of us!  Our mailing address is available in the “Contact Us” section of this website.  Donations may be made online here:  Donate Update, Jan. 13: Services for Barbara will be held 11:00 a.m. March 16 at Trinity Episcopal Church, 301 N. Chester Rd., Swarthmore, PA 19081.  To conclude, here’s a bit from Barbara in her own words. She contributed it to the 2017 Oz Club Calendar when I asked her to reflect on her season as Editor of the Baum Bugle: I took over as The Baum Bugle Editor-in-Chief for the Fall 1979 issue, after a rather casual invitation from the late James P. Haff. Though I didn’t know what I was getting into, I was fortunate in having John Fricke fill the first issue with his trail-blazing articles on the M-G-M movie. My production editor, Patty Tobias (later Dan and Lynn Smith), put the journal together and introduced me to computer-generated proof-reading. And the Contributing and Consulting Editors provided invaluable material and advice. Once launched, I began to enjoy reading the amazingly varied material submitted to The Bugle–-material ranging from the scholarly through the entertaining to the frankly frivolous. I liked an inclusive approach, and on one occasion published two widely differing reviews of Philip Jose Farmer’s A Barnstormer in Oz. A critique of L. Frank Baum’s use of ethnic stereotypes proved controversial among some Club members. I introduced a “Commentary” section, and printed some original stories and poems. Among these were Fred M. Meyer’s “Scraps and the Magic Box,” “The Invisible Inzi of Oz” by Virginia and Robert Wauchope (first appearing in 1926), and Ruth Berman’s tribute, “A Map for Ruth Plumly Thompson.” The latter appeared in an issue devoted to Thompson and featured material by three of her personal friends: artist Marge (“Little Lulu”), author Daniel P. Mannix, and the Bugle’s review editor, Douglas G. Greene. In those days The Baum Bugle was slimmer and color was restricted to the covers. But then, as now, it reflected the knowledge and enthusiasm of its editors, contributors and readers, building on the dedication of its original staff. It is truly a group effort and I am proud to have been part of it.  

Happy Holidays from the Oz Club

Our holiday mailing arriving in members’ homes now.  Please see everything included and act on those that need your attention. The holiday card was created by Mark Manley. You’ll find more of his artwork in both The Baum Bugle and The Oz Gazette. Nick Campbell, editor of The Oz Gazette, has written an original short story to accompany the card. Enjoy! There’s a letter from me recapping some of the highlights of our 2018 membership year, as well as a membership renewal form and return envelope to our Michigan mailing address.  I hope you’ll join us for 2019!  (With zero permission from our Baum Bugle editor to leak anything, I’ll just vaguely suggest that Ruby Slipper fans won’t want to miss the Spring 2019 issue….)  We didn’t include a gift membership form, so if you’d like to give the gift of membership, either copy your form or use the website,, to join. Completely my mistake as I was the one who oversaw printing and distribution this year. Your ballot for to vote for directors also is included with its own return envelope to the home of our Vice President, Ryan Bunch. Ryan chairs our nominating committee and is responsible for counting votes and reading any comments on those ballots that might come his way. Last and certainly not least, the mailing includes fliers for Oz, The National Convention outside New Orleans in June, and for OzCon International, which will be held in Pomona, California, again this summer. This holiday mailing and the Autumn Baum Bugle are arriving pretty closely together. We are working get the Bugle back on track; I anticipate Winter will mail in January ’19, with the 2019 membership issues mailing on schedule. We will likely include another renewal form in the Winter issue since many members don’t renew until they have it in hand, and we’ll follow that ahead of the spring issue with an email to 2018 members who have not yet joined for 2019.

Oz travels? Take your passport

A small Oz Passport appeared on the market some years back. It’s intended as a little pocket notebook, selling for $3-$6 depending on where you find it. But a pocket notebook isn’t quite enough for Oz fans. We go Oz places. We see Oz productions. We have Oz adventures. Those passports should get filled up with Oz destinations and events. Today the Oz Museum in Wamego, Kansas, All Things Oz in Chittenango, NY, and the Land of Oz Museum in Wausaukee, Wisconsin, all have rubber stamps to stamp visitor passports.  We had one at the Club’s 2017 convention, and at OzCon International this past summer. Help us grow the effort! Contact organizers of Oz events in your area and encourage them to offer a unique rubber stamp or sticker to mark Oz Passports. Carry yours when you go to an Oz event and ask if they can stamp it for you. If not, tape in your ticket stubs or appeal to a VIP guest for their signature; think outside the box to ensure your Oz passport captures your memories. Looking back on Oz trips you’ve taken, how fun would it be to have recorded them all in a passport?  We can’t turn back time, but there are ample adventures ahead. With a bit of team effort, we Ozians can make this a fun activity for passport carriers.  

Beyond Oz: the Club’s 2019 calendar

The Oz Club’s calendar for 2019 celebrates our publication of Bibliographia Baumiana in two ways.  Images and textual points from Baum non-Oz books used in the calendar come from the new collector’s guide. And each month a different collector shares the story behind how they came to have that month’s featured book. Oz and Baum book collecting emerged early the Oz Club’s history as a common interest of most Club members.  The Baum Bugle frequently provided bibliographic details of different books that establish publishing priority; details that clarified first and other editions. Because Baum’s publishers rarely indicated printing history on copyright pages, these details could only be found through extensive comparison of any given book. Dick Martin, David L. Greene, James E. Haff are credited with much of the earliest bibliographic work, which Douglas G. Greene and Peter E. Hanff expanded upon to publish Bibliographia Oziana in 1976. As more information was found, a revised edition was published in 1988. Thirty years later, Bibliographia Baumiana is now available, too. This book (details here) establishes the publishing history of all L. Frank Baum’s non-Oz books. W. Neal “Bill” Thompson is responsible for making this happen, building on earlier research by Peter Hanff and the late Patrick Maund. But back to the topic at hand; our 2019 calendar. Each year we pick a different theme for the calendar and this year Bib Baum was the hands-down favorite. I solicited a dozen collectors about the copies of these books in their collections, and asked them to share their stories.  We have Peter Hanff finding a Denslow-inscribed Father Goose: His Book decades ago, and Bob Baum loaning his inscribed copy of Mother Goose in Prose to the set of DREAMER OF OZ.  Bill Campbell found his first edition Sky Island in its dust jacket at an antique show.  Anne Corner’s John Dough and the Cherub has been passed through her family for generations. (Anne lives in Austria now, but her husband is from Wamego, Kansas, home of the Oz Museum!) Gifts, bargain buys, and the sense of triumphant discovery mark each story, making it an inspiring read. As in past years, the dates in the calendar include all the trivia I could find tied to the theme. (By they way, sorry about that text block slip in June!) The Oz Club calendar is not available for sale. It is our gift, with great thanks, to those who join the Club at membership rates of $100 or more. Thank you, again, to those supporters, as well as to those who contributed their stories, helped with proofreading, or otherwise contributed to the completion of the calendar.  Top of that list? Bill Thompson, who’s incredible work on Bibliographia Baumiana will serve as an invaluable resource to Baum collectors as far into the future as any of us can see.

Ruth Plumly Thompson

Ruth Plumly Thompson honored with historic marker

Ruth Plumly Thompson: New State Historical Marker in West Philadelphia Commemorates Children’s Author of 19 Oz Books The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission recently approved an official state historical marker to commemorate children’s author of 19 ‘Oz’ books, Ruth Plumly Thompson. The enduring popularity of the Wizard of Oz is a testament to its durability. Perhaps less known is that Ruth Plumly Thompson contributed more to the series of books than its creator L. Frank Baum. Between 1921 and 1939, she wrote one Oz book a year, including the Royal Book of Oz, Kabumpo in Oz, and The Wishing Horse of Oz . In total, she wrote nineteen books (in the fourth floor study of her home at 254 S. Farragut Street in West Philadelphia) and created 320 characters, 100 more than Baum had. She encouraged readers to correspond with her at her home address, published at the beginning of every book. She lived with her widowed mother and sister, and her annual income from the Oz books financially supported all three of them. Thompson was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on July 27, 1891 (d. 1976) and began her career in 1914 working for the Philadelphia Public Ledger as a weekly columnist for the Sunday children’s page. Her work there drew the attention of William Lee, vice president of L. Frank Baum’s publisher Reilly & Lee, who offered Thompson the opportunity to continue the Oz series after Baum’s death in 1920. Later, the International Wizard of Oz Club published two more stories by Thompson, Yankee in Oz (1972) and The Enchanted Island of Oz (1976), the latter of which was issued posthumously. In 1968 The Oz Club recognized Ruth Plumly Thompson with the L. Frank Baum Memorial Award. The idea to create a sense of pride in the literary history of West Philadelphia turned into the reality of a ten-foot tall official marker with gold lettering with the generous donation from the Oz Club along with the financial contributions of the residents and neighbors of Farragut Street and Spruce Hill. This state historical marker will be a permanent reminder of a prolific writer and independent-minded Philadelphia woman whose whimsical and humorous writing about the magical Land of Oz will delight a new generation of readers. The celebration and dedication ceremony will take place on Sunday, November 4, 2018 at the University City Arts League from 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. From there the group will walk in parade style to the historical marker at 254 South Farragut Street for the official unveiling at 1:00 p.m. For more information about the historical marker or the dedication ceremony, please contact Lisa Weidman, Historical Marker Sponsor, at [email protected]