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Don’t Miss The Wonderful Recap of Oz

Justin Peavey’s recently launched a marvelous podcast that explores L. Frank Baum’s Oz. In each episode, he examines each book in the series. But he’s not stopping there; he also tur...


Meet Oz collector Billy Ferguson. A long-time member of the International Wizard of Oz Club, Billy creates and wears his own costumes. From L. Frank Baum to the MGM cast, he steps in and out of charac...

Return to Oz Composer David Shire

Composing and conducting the score for Disney’s live-action feature film, Return to Oz, pulled David Shire into the world of Oz. He delivered music that is in turn haunting, playful, sober, and ...

Jessica Grové, A Delightful Dorothy

Our interview with Jessica Grové asks the questions you want to know. What was it like working with Mickey Rooney and the stars in the Madison Square Garden production of Oz? Did she expect to be Doro...

Meet the Creator of Hit the Bricks

Here’s a special preview of Hit The Bricks, — a new Radio-Play that places Baum’s Oz stories in today’s world — followed by an in-depth interview with creator PJ Blankens...

Games for Friends

Have you ever wanted to try an antique Oz board game, but you don’t want to potentially damage your valuable collectible? Now, you don’t have to run the risk!  Over the past year, our Baum...

Winners Announced

Each year, the International Wizard of Oz Club presents the L. Frank Baum Memorial Award to a person (or persons) who has made significant contributions to the work and purposes of the Club. That gene...

A Musical Oz Oddity

Collector Bill Campbell shares Oz music box discs from the early years of Oz. Listen along as Bill plays music from the 1903 Wizard of Oz Broadway musical on his antique music box. His collection of r...

The Music of The Wiz

Oz Club Vice President Ryan Bunch discusses tunes that won the Tonys. The Wiz swept the 1975 awards winning seven Tony Awards, including Best Musical.  In this presentation, Ryan Bunch talks about how...

Collecting International Oz

Oz friends Mikey Dee (DeJesus) and Jane Albright are enthusiastic collectors of Oz material produced around the world. They shared some favorites in an interview one afternoon and share a recording of...