Today I emailed our 2019 members a link to the Winter 2019 issue of The Baum Bugle online. We’ve never done anything like this before. We’ve never even emailed all our members before! But we are livin...
Today (March 20) the Oz Club rolls out a series of on-camera readings that take you through The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. The chapter-a-day project can be found on the Oz Club’s Youtube channel and on ...
This year Americans celebrate 100 years of the 19th Amendment to our Constitution. In case you didn’t know, Oz fans have a particular reason to celebrate this centennial. Oz author L. Frank Bau...
In 1939 the state publishing house Detgiz in Moscow published a new children’s book. International copyright law was not recognized by the Soviet Union so Volshebnik izumrudnogo goroda (The Wizard of ...
The Autumn 2019 issue of the Baum Bugle is bursting with Baum. A celebration of the writer’s legacy, L. Frank Baum “crossed the shifting sands” in 1919. This issue of our Club’...
Our holiday mailing, sent to member homes in November, included a membership renewal form for 2020. We’re already off to a great start with nearly a third of our 2019 members welcomed back for ...
If ever there was an exhibit I wish could last forever, it would be the one that brought Oz to El Segundo, California, for the summer of 2019. Just minutes from the Los Angeles International Airport,...
Each year the Oz Club provides our Sustaining, Patron, and Wizard’s Circle Members an Oz calendar for the coming year. It serves as our thank you gift; we appreciate your financial support and h...
Those of us who can’t get enough Oz fiction, look forward to Oziana, the Club’s annual magazine of creative writing written and illustrated by Club members. First introduced in 1971, Ozian...
Expanding Oz, an exhibit that used material from my collection, recently closed here in Overland Park, Kansas. On the last day I walked through the exhibit and talked about it as a live video feed on ...