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Oz Treasures

Oz Treasures with Cindy Ragni

A life-long Oz collector and owner of The Wonderful Books of Oz, Cindy Ragni has bought, sold, and kept some wonderful books and ephemera. Today she shares a few favorites representing her interests i...

Oz Vinyl Records

Bill Beem has prepared this checklist of records from his Wizard of Oz Collection. Flip through to see what you have in your collection, and what you might yet find.


Meet Oz collector Billy Ferguson. A long-time member of the International Wizard of Oz Club, Billy creates and wears his own costumes. From L. Frank Baum to the MGM cast, he steps in and out of charac...

Collecting International Oz

Oz friends Mikey Dee (DeJesus) and Jane Albright are enthusiastic collectors of Oz material produced around the world. They shared some favorites in an interview one afternoon and share a recording of...