Any fans of illustrator William Stout’s Oz work?
I really love his art (hence my profile picture, my favorite character). His work on other things, like dinosaurs and dragons are incredible, and his Oz work just has this beauitful quality to it. I actually interviewed him for a podcast I did and while we never got to discussing Oz (the interview was about a fellow artist and friend of his) he is the nicest guy ever, so friendly and full of great stories.
I’d like to see Craig P Russell illustrate Oz books, I think his art would make a nice addition to the celebrated Oz artists.
I also thought his design work for Muppets Wizard of Oz was the only good thing about it.
Muppet Wizard of Oz…that should’ve been a home run. With their Christmas Carol & Treasure Island it could’ve been worthy of the theatre but it seemed like Disney just did nothing right with it.
I’d like to see a Muppet Wizard of Oz done right now that I think of it…