Sarah Crotzer


Active 1 month ago
  • Sarah Crotzer started the topic Group logo of The Baum BugleBaum Bugle Winter 2021: Preview for Puzzlers! in the forum The Baum Bugle 3 years, 2 months ago

    The Winter 2021 Baum Bugle is at the printer – but they’ve hit a delay because of holiday-time paper shortages. I hope to bring you some better news by the end of the year, but in the meantime, I thought I’d put together a special CHRISTMAS PUZZLE for everyone. Each element on this made-up “Bugle cover” is taken from one of the major features in the new issue, and if you can decode what they all mean, you’ll have a very strong idea what you’ll find in that new issue when it hits your mailbox. 🙂 Put on your thinking caps – and NO CHEATING from any of our contributors!

    Baum Bugle 2021 Puzzle