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Autumn 1988


Baum Bugle Volume 32, Number 2, Autumn 1988

Limited Stock! One per customer.



The Jack Snow issue!

Cover features black and white photo of Jack Snow and water color drawing of a mermaid by W.W. Denslow

Issue includes: Looking Back at a Royal Historian of Oz/A Checklist of the Works of Jack Snow (1907-1956)/To the Parents/Jack Snow and the Land of Oz/A Critical Look at Jack Snow/An Ozian Miscellany/The Rise and Fall of Jack Snow’s Library/From the Editor column/The MGM Scrapbook/ Bibliographia Pseudonymiana: Aunt Janes Nieces on the Ranch and Aunt Jane s Nieces Out West/The Oz Record Cabinet/The Oz Bookshelf/Quadling Convention report/Ozmopolitan Convention report/Oz in the News