Home » The Baum Bugle: Autumn 1977

The Baum Bugle: Autumn 1977

Vol. 21, no. 2 (Autumn 1977)

Editor-in-Chief Jerry V. Tobias
Art Editor Bill Eubank
Review Editor David L. Greene
Research Editor James E. Haff
Bibliography Editor Peter E. Hanff
Drama Editor Pat Tobias
Consulting Editors John Fricke, Martin Gardner, Douglas G. Greene, Dick Martin


Layout and cover design by Bill Eubank

Front cover art by Bill Eubank, adapted from an unpublished illustration by John R. Neill (The Wonder City of Oz)

Back cover art by Bill Eubank, adapted from the original version of an illustration by John R. Neill (The Wonder City of Oz)

Autumn 1977 Selected Contents

This is a guide to the articles and reviews from the issue that will most benefit researchers, scholars, and collectors. The printed issue includes additional content such as news, editorial letters, and other commentary-based departments.


John R. Neill: A Checklist of His Published Work

This thorough ten-page checklist by James E. Haff greatly improves upon those originally published in the Autumn 1964 and Christmas 1965 issues.


Unseen Art

Jerry V. Tobias examines three unpublished or altered John R. Neill illustrations for The Wonder City of Oz, including the two featured on this issue’s covers.


John R. Neill and The Housewife

David L. Greene explores John R. Neill‘s contributions to The Housewife, a ladies’ magazine that published from 1916–17. Accompanied by several examples of his work for the title, including three children’s pages and a full-page illustration for the Robert Louis Stevenson poem, “Will o’ the Mill.” 


The Men Who Make The Argosy: John R. Neill

A biographical sketch of John R. Neill that originally ran in The Argosy in 1930.


The Ominous Flora of Oz

Robert B. Luehrs surveys the wild and aggressive plant life seen throughout Baum’s Oz books, with special attention given to the Mangaboos, the Rose Kingdom, and the Garden of Meats.



Imaginary Worlds: The Art of Fantasy by Lin Carter (non-fiction; reviewer James R. Thrane)

The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus with introduction by Martin Gardener (fiction; reviewer Jane Yolen)