Home » The Baum Bugle: Spring 1980

The Baum Bugle: Spring 1980

Vol. 24, no. 1 (Spring 1980)

Editor-in-Chief Barbara S. Koelle
Production Editor Pat Tobias
Art Editor Bill Eubank
Review Editor David L. Greene
Research Editor James E. Haff
Bibliography Editor Peter E. Hanff
Drama Editor Pat Tobias
Contributing Editors Jerry V. Tobias, John Fricke, Douglas G. Greene
Consulting Editors Martin Gardner, Dick Martin, Michael Patrick Hearn


Layout and cover design by Bill Eubank

Wraparound cover art by John R. Neill (Lucky Bucky in Oz)

Spring 1980 Selected Contents

This is a guide to the articles and reviews from the issue that will most benefit researchers, scholars, and collectors. The printed issue includes additional content such as news, editorial letters, and other commentary-based departments.


Magic in Post-Thompson Oz

Following on from his examinations of magic in the Baum (Spring 1977) and Thompson books (Autumn 1978), Hugh Pendexter III turns his analytical eye to the remaining books in the canonical “famous forty,” with most of his observations given to the Neill and Snow titles.


Oz Under Scrutiny: Ozma of Oz

The editors look at reviews of The Marvelous Land of Oz contemporary with its original publication. Includes vintage advertising.


On Some Puzzling Incidents in the Annals of Oz

The Magic Belt and Forgetfulness: Reprise

Chesley R. Johnson responds to James E. Haff’s article in the Winter 1976 issue on contradictory statements about the Magic Belt’s abilities within Baum’s Oz books, suggesting some aspect of forgetfulness on the part of the characters is involved. This is followed by a response to the response: this time, from the original author, James E. Haff.


How the Saw-Horse Saved Dorothy’s Life

A reproduction of one installment of L. Frank Baum and Walt McDougall’s Queer Visitors from the Marvelous Land of Oz newspaper comic page in 1904.


Have We Discovered Oz?

Sonia B. Brown somewhat fancifully suggests that Oz has, indeed, been discovered and mapped in modern atlases—as Australia (“Ozstralia”). Her proof ranges from textual similarities to interest in Australia in Baum’s own time.  


The two endings of Aunt Jane’s Nieces in the Red Cross

Phyllis Ann Karr compares the differences between the original edition of Aunt Jane’s Nieces in the Red Cross in 1915 and Baum’s subsequent rewrite for WWI sensibilities in 1918. Reprinted from the University of Louisville Library’s Library Review in 1977.  



Fairy Tales and After: From Snow White to E. B. White by Roger Sale (non-fiction; reviewer Michael O. Riley)

The Green Dolphin of Oz: A Fairy Tale for Grown-Ups by March Laumer (fiction; reviewer Paul S. Ritz)

Unusual Flying Objects in Oz by Alla T. Ford and Bill Eubank (art book; reviewer Helen Welsh)