Vol. 49, no. 3 (Winter 2005)
Editor-in-Chief | Sean P. Duffley |
Production Editor | Marcus Mébès |
Bibliography Editor | Peter E. Hanff |
Review Editor | Joe Bongiorno |
Contributing Editors | Angelica Carpenter, David Moyer |
Front cover captured from film (His Majesty, the Scarecrow of Oz)
Back cover art by Marcus Mébès (silent film captures)
Winter 2005 Selected Contents
This is a guide to the articles and reviews from the issue that will most benefit researchers, scholars, and collectors. The printed issue includes additional content such as news, editorial letters, and other commentary-based departments.
Will Vinton Returns to Oz: An Interview with the Creator of the Nome King’s World
Dexter Fabi interviews Claymation creator Will Vinton, who oversaw the visual effects on Walt Disney’s Return to Oz. Although he addresses a few other topics, Vinton talks primarily about bringing the Nome King and the Nome Kingdom to life.
L. Frank Baum and the Early Motion Picture Industry
Michael O. Riley tells the story of the Oz Film Manufacturing Company, and its films, in relation to the Hollywood filmmaking boom of the period, finding that L. Frank Baum’s company both lagged behind certain standards and broke new technical ground in other areas.
Baum Under Scrutiny: Early Reviews of the Oz Film Manufacturing Company’s The Patchwork Girl of Oz and The New Wizard of Oz
In a slight change from the usual overall title of Oz Under Scrutiny, Sean P. Duffley looks at reviews of Baum’s two distributed Oz silent feature films contemporary with their original release.
Lions and Tigers and Coroners: Meinhardt Raabe and Daniel Kinske on Memories of a Munchkin
Mark Griffin interviews MGM’s Munchkin coroner, Meinhardt Raabe, and his co-writer, Daniel Kinske, about their new book looking back over Meinhardt’s extensive career.
Our Hollywood
An original essay by L. Frank Baum, reprinted from the Hollywood Citizen of December 1915.
The MGM Scrapbook: Philadelphia Woman Writes New Oz Book Each Year
Rose McKee interviewed Ruth Plumly Thompson on the advent of the MGM film release; the brief article is reprinted from the Philadelphia Inquirer of August 1939.
The Patchwork Girl of Oz by Thundertoad Animation (animated film; reviewer Chris Dulabone)
More Treasures from American Film Archives, 1894–1931 (DVD set; reviewer Tim Tucker)
The Seven Blue Mountains of Oz, Book III: Zim Greenleaf of Oz by Melody Grandy (fiction; reviewer Atticus Gannaway)
Daughters of Destiny Hungry Tiger edition (fiction; reviewer Marcus Mébès)
Son of a Witch by Gregory Maguire (fiction; reviewer Stephen J. Teller)
The Wizard of Oz Catalog by Fraser A. Sherman (non-fiction; reviewer Dee Michel)
Harry Sue by Sue Stauffacher (fiction; reviewer Angelica Carpenter)
The Wizard of Oz adapted and illustrated by Michael Cavallato (graphic novel; reviewer Joe Bongiorno)